

At Rijeka college officially became operational supercomputer Bura which it was delivered and programmed by SmartIS.

RIJEKA, 29. 2. 2016 – the College of Rijeka with the opening ceremony, which was also attended by President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic and other high representatives of the Croatian government officially launched the largest Croatian supercomputer Bura. Supercomputer, the value of which amounts to 4.7 million €, was delivered and implemented by SmartIS Slovenian company, which will be under contract for another 5 years taking care of the maintenance and further development of Rijeka Supercomputing Centre.

Dr. Zlatan Car, the Vice-Rector for Informatization and the Centre for advanced computing and modeling College in Rijeka, which also caters for supercomputer will Bura used mainly for scientific research in biomedicine, biotechnology, natural and technical sciences in research in the field of information-communication components and processing of large data.

\”The supercomputer is the largest single investment in the project development of research infrastructure in Rijeka, where we wanted to establish a reliable supplier and long-term partnership. The objective of cooperation with the company SmartIS was therefore not only implementation supercomputer, but also further cooperation and development, for example in the development of Smart Cities of Rijeka and other projects, \”explains Car.

The supercomputer is part of the project \”Development of research infrastructure in the campus of the College in Rijeka\”, which supported the operation of the scientific centers such as the Center for highly transmissive technology, the Centre for Micro and Nano Science and Technology, Center for Advanced computation and modeling, and laboratory Faculty of Civil Engineering (Hydrotechnical laboratory, Geotechnical laboratory, laboratory for roads laboratory of materials and laboratory construction). The value of investments in the equipment of these centers and laboratories, including the purchase of supercomputer amounted to 24 million €.

Bura planned to represent important infrastructure for other scientists from Croatia, because they will be able to offer competitive conditions in comparison with other scientists in the EU and worldwide. \”Using a supercomputer for a lot of people from the scientific community is still unknown, so the Bura used in the training of scientific personnel, for which we are at the level of the EU-projects already connected with universities and research and development organizations from Germany, Spain, Poland and other European countries, \”said Car.

For SmartISes experts Bura is already the third supercomputer. Last year they built a supercomputer Rudolf Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto, participated but also in setting Ljubljana Supercomputing Centre in Ljubljana ADRIA Turboinštitut. The company has acquired the business in a public tender, which was the first in Croatia based on written dialogue and the quality and value in terms of price, not the lowest bid price.

\”SmartIS is one of the leading regional provider of high-performance process solutions and system integration services for large datacenters. Based on years of experience and high qualification of our professionals we are college in Rijeka offer superior technology solutions that provide the customer with the maximum capacity depending on the budget, \”said Zdravka Zalar CEO of SmarTIS.
Bura-based servers, Bull bullx B720 DLC, wherein the first supercomputer in the world uses 16-processor Intel for symmetric multiprocessing. The company SmartIS in addition to high performance supercomputer processor technologies include innovative memory solutions through automation of data transfer on a large scale tape media significantly reduces the cost of data storage. Further cost optimization will enable district cooling system, distinguished by the lower cost of electricity consumption, efficient cooling and the high reliability and efficiency supercomputer.

Bura according to the specifications of capacity puts Rijeka college 32nd between research institutions and in 59th place among the college. The largest organization in the field of supercomputing TOP500 is Bura with 6912 cores and a capacity of 233.56 TF ranks 441st place in the world rankings, or expected 250 city in Europe. Most supercomputers operating in the US, Japan, China, Germany and France ( Bura thanks to the direct cooling with warm water occupies the 175th place high on the new Green500 a scale where 500 is one of the most efficient supercomputers with the best performance and energy consumption ( The supercomputer is also involved in the newly established reference list of supercomputers – HPCG. Unlike TOP500 test HPCG contains several metric and vector testing, demonstrating the operational capacity of the system. Even here Bura occupies a prominent 48th place alongside the world\’s supercomputer, such as Meteo France with 4x as many processor cores (

More informations:

SmartIS d.o.o.
Ameriška ulica 8
1000 Ljubljana

Zdravka Zalar, CEO
Telephone: 0 1 601 0650
GSM: 030 661 366

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